What should I get my nerdy boyfriend for his birthday/ our approx. one year anniversary?

Q. We're both into Firefly/Serenity, xkcd, Minecraft, Doctor Who, and Buffy.
I have no idea what size he is so shirts/ clothes are out of the question, and I don't know anything about any of the games he plays so I don't know what he'd like and what would just look like I didn't know what I was talking about. (I do know he plays LoL?)
So far I'm looking at a Firefly keychain from thinkgeek.com but that's my only idea, his birthday is in exactly a month, help me!

A. Haha sounds a bit like my boyfriend. A picture of you in a nice frame, doctor who season on dvd, make him a creeper(minecraft) pinyata xD if he has a huge sweet tooth then food is never a wrong answer :3 I bought my bf a huge gummy bear on a stick. A huge bag of his favorite candy. If you could figure out his shirt size, then hottopic.com sells minecraft tshirts. Bake him a cake/cupcakes. Think about something he needs. Like I'm soon getting my bf a carcharger for his cell phone. An itunes card? Write him a sweet letter. Etc

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