Does a cell phone contract appear on your credit?

Q. I have been told yes and no to this question. Why isn't a cell phone contract included in the credit report?

A. Credit reports include only (1) things related to you borrowing money [loans, credit cards, etc.] and (2) things related to you failing to pay money you owe. Because obtaining a cell phone contract is not borrowing, it does not appear on your credit report if you do pay. However, if you do not pay, that does appear on your credit report. This is why you were given different answers.

How to terminate cell phone contract at the end of the term?
Q. Our cell phone contract (with Verizon Wireless) ends on 7-23-07. They bill us each month on the 22nd. We don't use the phone any more and I understand that, if we don't terminate the service, they automatically switch us to "month-to-month" service. If we terminate EARLY, then they charge a fee.

So... if we call them let's say on 7-20... will they consider that early?

Is a phone call enough, or do we have to do it in writing?

If we call them on 7-23, will they say we owe for another month?

I know these questions seem silly, but I'm so paranoid about cell phone contracts, I'm afraid if we don't do this exactly right, they are going to find a way to make us pay more.

Anybody have any experience with this?

A. I've been with Sprint for several years, off and on, so I've terminated at the end of a contract period a few times. The idea is to terminate at the very end of your final billing period (always midnight of the 23rd, for you). Get as close to midnight as you can with a call to customer service. Yes, 7/20 would be early, assuming all cell companies have the same policy. Also, they are just people, and you can ask them any question you may have about their policies, about your obligations, and about how tp proceed without liability. Finito.

How much does it cost to cut your cell phone contract with Verizon?
Q. How much does it cost to cut your cell phone contract with Verizon, need to know. I am trying to get a new phone and ive had mine for a year. I have a 2 year contract with verizon on my phone. I dont want to switch the network i just want to get a new phone on verizon.plz help

A. It all depends on your contract.. Call and find out..

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