Need help with essay on why cell phones should be allowed at school?

Q. I have a really hard time with english and we are writing a persuasive essay in class. I am doing mine on why cell phones should be allowed at school. I'm doing a 4 paragraph essay so my 2 body paragraphs are for emergencies and organization. I need some examples of those and if theres something besides those that are better that would help. thanks!

A. In the unlikely event that some disaster strikes, you can call 911 or school security. If a family member needs to provide you with information, the logical way is via voicemail or a text message. And there are seldom pay phones available, since the phone companies no longer support them as they aren't profitable (and they are privately owned these days), because society is oriented to the cell phone.

Caveats: If cell phones are permitted on public school campuses, the ringer should be on "vibrate only" and the phones should be out of sight at all times. With the understanding that in this day and age, instant communication is the norm, it is still bad manners to have a ringer go off during a class and it is still bad manners to walk around the halls while talking on the phone. Texting during a class is not only bad manners, it could be construed as cheating (a punishable offense).

P.S. I have personally used a cell phone to call security while on a school campus when it appeared that an assault was about to take place.

Need help with essay on why cell phones should be allowed at school?
Q. I have a really hard time with english and we are writing a persuasive essay in class. I am doing mine on why cell phones should be allowed at school. I'm doing a 4 paragraph essay so my 2 body paragraphs are for emergencies and organization. I need some examples of those and if theres something besides those that are better that would help. thanks!

A. in my school we have a class called community service. we use are phones in that class a lot to get in touch with organizations that we are volunteering at.

and for emergency we just had a bomb threat at my school this week so when we were put in a lock down and were evacuated we all had are phones a nd were telling our parents and it was good because they didn't have to worry that we were in school. (our town as a tv channel and it said on the channel that the cops were conducting bob threat investigation at the hs but not that we were safe or anything my mom was a nervous rec!!)

hope this helps!

why should cell phones be allowed in school ?
Q. i'm doing a persuasive thingy for english & i need reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school .

A. Should not be allowed.

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