How is the next 50 years gonna be?

Q. TECHNOLOGY. that's the biggest bang for the next 50 years. I feel like the Mayan calender predicted a different apocalypse than what people realize. instead of death, Individuality will be on the line.
EVERYBODY I know has a Computer, camera, camcorder, cell phone, iPod. even 5 years ago that wouldn't be entirely true, 20 years ago that would defiantly not be true.

What do you think will change? Why?
What would be the climax?

A. That's too far ahead in the future to even think about. I live life day by day. The way things are today though I just hope we all live to see another 50 years. lol

How did we become so advanced in only 120 years?
Q. Think about it, just 120 years ago we as the human race were still riding around on horses that barely went 20 mph and wagons that went barely 5 mph. Now, we have cars that are capable of going 200+ mph. We can fly from place to place instead of having to stick to ground transportation. We have cell phones, tv, space flight. All of this happened within the last century. How come we didn't advance this fast sooner?

A. Capitalism needed to become the dominant economic system in order for progress to be made at an accelerated rate. That said, the very same capitalism is also what's going to bring this progress to a crashing halt. Just think about it...

What do you think about the Firefly phone for kids?
Q. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of negative comments for asking this but all well. My 5-year old has been bugging me for his own cell phone for a while now. He sees me and my husband with ours, my 10 year old step-son with his (his mom bought it for him and pays for the service) and my 8 year old brother in law has one also. Though I don't necessarily think he needs one, I have considered letting him buy one of these Firefly phones with his own money (he earns a small allowance for doing chores weekly and grandparents occasionally send him money). It seems like a good phone for his age and I like how it is prepaid so he can be responsible for buying his own minutes as well. Opinions?

For those of you who may ask who he is going to call, we moved away from all of our family 2 years ago so he likes to call his cousins, uncles and grandparents alot.
Thanx Lexie! I forgot about the Disney phone.

A. He is only 5, but now a days it's a fairly normal thing. I just don't think 5 year olds need a cell phone. They should be supervised at all times and can always call friends and family from home. My neice has one and it causes her mom a lot of grief. She always loses it and drops it. She calls her mom all the time from school and gets it taken away. Really watch if you get it and maybe you can teach your 5 year old responsibilty with it; especially with his own money.

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