Do you think everyone will eventually end up getting some type of cancer?

Q. A recent study said "Cell phones cause cancer". It made my eyes roll.
It seems that, especially when folks turn middle-aged, the majority end up getting some form of cancer anyway.

A. The statistics are somewhere near 1 out of every 3 people. We've never been so reliant on man-made materials (harsh chemicals, artificially preserved, processed, and produced food), technology, and healthy habits have been slacking off in recent generations. All of these things greatly increase our chances of acquiring cancer sometime within our lives, so as a result we see a higher rate of cancer among the population (it's all proportional).

Fellow Christians: If it was discovered that handling/using a cell phone would cause cancer, would you stop?
Q. Let's try not get lost in semantics on this question. If you found out that using a cell phone could cause cancer, such that a surgeon general warning began appearing on cell phones tomorrow because of this... would you continue to use it, or would you stop? This is purely hypothetical.

A. It's fundamentally known that alcohol damages one's liver and brain development and that cigarettes clog lungs with tar and cause lung cancer, but people still use them nonetheless.

Even if it wasn't neccesary in today's times (which it is), people would still use them anyways. I don't really use cell phones much since I prefer to talk via phone or personal.

Can listening to music on smartphone cause cancer?
Q. If talking on the cellphone for long periods can cause cancer from radio waves, can listening to music through the earphone cause cancer as well? Can the radio waves travel through the wire and into your ear? I know that there's not much proof that talking on cell phones causes cancer but I want to be safe than sorry. I usually put my phone in my bag and not handle the phone for so long to be safe. How safe is it to listen to music frequently through smartphones?

A. Hasn't been confirmed. Don't listen to the media. My 2 cents.

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