Can cell phones really cause brain cancer?

Q. i have had a cell phone since i was 16 yrs old, and my dad always claims that they cause brain cancer, is that true?

A. No. There is no clinical scientific evidence that cell phones cause brain cancer in human beings.

ACS: Cellular Phones

"there is now considerable epidemiologic evidence that shows no consistent association between cellular phone use and overall risk of brain cancer. "

The confusion may stem from questions about a rare benign tumor called acoustic neuroma . . which is not cancer . . where 'evidence' isn't as clear at this point . . studies are ongoing.

If i keep my cell phone in my pants pocket can it harm my unborn baby?
Q. I am only 5 weeks far into my pregnancy and was not this paranoid with my first born. I would ask my OB doctor but don't have my appointment till the 22nd. But i was just curious if me having my phone in my pants pocket can cause any harm to the baby's development. I know they say a cell phone can cause brain cancer and for pregnant women shouldn't stand in front of a microwave. But i'm not so sure on the cell phone thing. Does anyone happen to know the answer?

A. To be on the safe side but in your purse,bag or something besides your pocket

Can cell phone radiation make you sterile?
Q. So recently I read that a report is out that "officially" links cell phone use to brain cancer. Having said this, is it possible that the radiation from a cell phone in your pocket can make you sterile? Especially in this age where smart phones are constantly connected to the internet and the vast majority of men walk around with them in their pockets.

A. no

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