Is technology showing any signs of slowing down?

Q. I was hoping by the year of 2010 we would have jetpacks and flying cars. How dissapointed I am. At least we have the internet and I'm typing this from my cell phone. I would like to know: is technology at all slowing down and where would we be by the year 2062?

A. The two answers before mine haven't touched on how diversity and multiculturalsim both affect technological advances.
In order to accomodate blacks, the rest of us are forced to slow down and let them catch up. Now, over half a century of integration later, blacks still haven't gotten it together.
Affirmative Action goes all the way up to NASA itself. Obama appointed the first black administrator named Charles Bolden.

How are we going to advance when even NASA practices racial quotas?

Do you know what's worse than "slowing down"? How about going BACKWARD, as in what's happening to Zimbabwe as the whites are leaving or getting murdered. Some parts have permanently lost electricity, and they have removed the engines from ambulances so they can be pulled by oxen.

We are going through our own Salem witch hunts right now, handcuffed by the dogma of a multiracial society.

How do I get to know WHO is calling my cell phone?
Q. I've received calls recently from a number in Zimbabwe. but I don't know who it is. I have no family or friends living there, so likely this is a scam. Do I need to report this to anyone and how do I block this number from further calling my phone? Thanks in advance for your help! :)
I did not answer the call...btw the number is +263912792062

A. Do not call them back, do not answer the phone. Contact customer service & try to block them. It's a scam, where if you answer the phone, you will be charged a ot of money...

What exactly is the "economic stimulus package"?
Q. One can tell that the citizens are in the dark.
How so? You start to get emails like this.

Sometime this year or, maybe, in the next year or two, all taxpayers and non-taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program from the Democratic controlled Congress that I will explain using the Q and A format:

"Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?
"A. It is money that the federal governmentwill send to taxpayers.

"Q. Where will the government get this money?
"A. From taxpayers.

"Q. So the government is giving taxpayers back their own money?
"A. No, they are borrowing it from China. Your children and grandchildren are expected to repay the Chinese.

"Q. What is the purpose of this payment?
"A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, a cell phone, a computer, etc., etc., thus stimulating the economy.

"Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China or other countries?
"A. Shut up."

Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by spending your stimulus check wisely:

If you spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China.

If you spend it on gasoline it will go to Hugo Chavez, the Arabs and Al Queda.

If you purchase a computer it will go to Taiwan.

If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala (unless you buy organic).

If you buy a Toyota, Honda, Kia, etc. car it will go to Japan or Korea.

If you purchase prescription drugs it will go to India.

If you purchase heroin it will go to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

If you give it to a charitable cause, it will probably go to Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Gaza, etc.

None of the above will help the American economy.

So we need to keep that money here in America.

You can keep the money in America by spending it at yard sales, going to a baseball or football game, or spend it on beer (domestic ONLY) or tattoos -- since those are the only businesses still operating in the US.

A. Question: Where did the Chinese get all of this money to lend us?
Answer: Wal-Mart, WTO, US foreign aid, *REAGAN's* economic development programs for foreign investment, HP, Nike, Converse, Puma, etc.

We have sacrificed our futures for a $2 pair of shoes that now costs $50 since it no longer has any domestic competition to kill.

And actually, if you are buying a Nissan or a Toyota, your money might be going to Iran. Same with Rover and a few other major car companies. Lancia and Fiat build in Iran too. Some of them use the factories *WE* built there in WWII to supply the Russians with military vehicles to use against Hitler.


Now back to answering your question;

The economic stimulus package is theft, pure and simple. It is a false promise of nonexistant wealth, conjured up through creation of enormous debt and used as a vehicle for the passage of hate crimes, national ID, federalization of medical records . . . Look it up. It is all in there.

Basically, it is a globalist coup if it passes.

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